
The 'art' of change

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.
Thomas Merton

The random artwork I stumbled upon on a daily basis here in Germany, whether it was the lounging ladies that greeted me outside of the market every morning, or the historic statues that seemed to whisper a secret with every passing, the gurgling fountains that always made the kids need a bathroom, the painted church ceilings that looked like heaven, or a well designed palace rose garden that was right smack in the middle of my life, all helped me to find myself the past 2 1/2 years.  


Now that the movers have been here the past few days, have dismantled much of the house including my art 'playroom', I find that I am a little lost.  I guess I am going to have to' brush up' on the 'art of change'.  



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About Me

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.