
Where has the past month gone????!!!

Wow-what a month! First news...WE FINISHED OUR LAST POST PLACEMENT VISIT WITH THE SOCIAL WORKER!!!!!! I guess Karina and Cooper get to keep us now! So, Let's just start with "sickness etc" since that has always been a topic in our house the past 3 years......

Both have had black eyes....Karina from Cooper "tossing" a block at her because she ws laughing at him and Cooper from running into the couch full speed because he was ready to take his bath-his was a BIG shiner. Cooper and daddy had a trip to Children's Hospital on a Sunday night (right after mommy and daddy got home from their date) because he was a "musketeer" and jumped from Ottoman OVER the couch onto the floor. Diagnosis...bone came out of joint at elbow. It was popped back in place with the warning for him to not to hang etc. for at least 3 weeks. His teacher told me the next day that she was sorry, .....when she turned around he was on the monkey bars. That's our boy, jumping right back in the mix...no pain, no gain. I woke up one Friday morning with a soar throat.... kids and I still headed to the gym that Friday morning, but made a quick stop by the drugstore for some throat spray since the vinegar didn't make my throat stop hurting, then got my place up right up front in the step class, after 30 minutes just walked out (in front of 50 ppl) because something didn't seem right. After Cooper kept playing "jump on mommy"while I was crashed on the bed, I gave in and took them with me to the doctor. We all know how much I LOVE going to the doctor's office! Turns out I had a fever of 102.1 and Strep throat. Nothing a little Codeine/Tylenol/antibiotics taken over the weekend couldn't fix! Karina has had a bad chest cold since November 6th. After many x-rays the past few months and numerous doctor's visits, turn out she has childhood Asthma. She is doing GREAT with the inhalers and does it all by herself! Now she should start feeling better and not have a "coughing" fit when she is playing outside. Cooper had a nice little adventure with Pin worms which I mis-diagnosed for 2 weeks as night- time constipation. Of course, once we figured out what it was and the doctor gave him a pill, Cooper wanted to know if he could hold the dead worm!!!! And of course the past few months.....daddy has stayed well as usual!!! I just can't figure that one out since he is the only one in the family not taking vitamins etc.!!!

Everyone seems to be getting "older" around her (with the exception of the parents but that is a different blog). Even Rocky graduated this month from Obedience school. Either Jason or I and Karina would take Rocky every Monday night for school. We figured out after night #1 that Cooper would probably do better with a babysitter! Karina would even run some of the drills with Rocky in front of the whole class! I am not sure who I was more proud of during class, Rocky or Karina. Rocky even won a prize on graduation night for holding "stay" the longest......now if we can just get him to quit running off in the woods. Karina and Cooper are both picking out their clothes and dressing themselves in the morning. We moved all clothes down in the dressers so they could see everything and it has worked like a charm! Best thing for me is that they actually "match" when they come downstairs!!! Karina was invited for her first "spend the night".....but we haven't done it yet. I think we are having more of a problem with that than she is at the moment. She CAN'T be old enough for that yet....can she? Like I said, everyone is getting older around here. Cooper likes to show us how he can "pee like daddy" which when viewed meant, standing up and using NO HANDS to guide. Luckily, he is pretty coordinated if that is what you call it and will put the lid down afterwards! Cooper still gets so mad at us for making him wear a pull-up at night, so his solution is to wear under ware over the pull-up! That is our Cooper, always coming up with a solution. Karina told me the other day that she wants to "go to ballerina school".....I guess I can't keep putting off activities/classes for much longer.....well maybe another 6 months??? We have hosted quit a few playdates at our house with many children. Both really love having kids over to play! Karina AND Cooper have discovered the love of playing dress-up. Karina came down one morning to wake us up and she was dressed as Snow White. I love seeing her be silly since she tends to be a serious little girl. Of course she still loves her Poly Pockets....so does Rocky. I keep finding Poly Pocket heads around the house! Karina LOVES music. I will hear her singing in her room, singing to the songs on the movies and she asks me to put certain songs on her I-pod. Cooper on the other hand thinks he is either 'Buzz Light year' or a 'Musketeer'. He can repeat the lines verbatim from all of their different movies and is always saying, "mommy, do you know what ____ says," and then will repeat a line from some movie. He is still tying ropes all over our house and locking Rocky in various rooms. Needless to say he is ALL boy even though he likes playing dress-up with Karina. We took them to their first circus. Karina really like all the glittery costume and wanted to know why, "daddy didn't have a glittery coat" like the ringmaster. Cooper like all the high wire acts...go figure..they involved ropes! I think they both like the Sprite and Popcorn best of all!

Daddy has been working around the clock-leaves around 4:45 am and gets home anywhere btwn 6:30-9:00 pm. We are proud of him for working so hard to provide for us and try to let him know how much we appreciate everything he does. Times are hard out in the world and we are trying to keep a positive attitude even though we miss our "family time". He still managed to run the Mercedes Marathon and placed number 58th in his age group which had almost 300 people. This is a man who only trained on Saturday and sunday. I am so proud of him! He also still manages to be a very caring and patient daddy even though he is very tired these days...even our social worker commented on what a great daddy he seems to be as she was leaving!

Funny things said this month (that I can remember)

  • Cooper repeated AGAIN the quote from a few months back, "mommy you look like a mermaid"....I am starting to get a complex.
  • "I have a little Pee-pee and daddy has a BIG pee-pee" Cooper
  • "Jesus made your throat hurt" Cooper as we were driving to the doctor (does he know something I don't know????)

  • "Look momma, you are naked just like me, but I can see your va-jay-jay" Cooper as I was getting in the shower.

  • "momma-you need to wait for daddy because he can do it-he can fix everything" Cooper after numerous tries to light the gas fireplace

  • "why do you have so many tooth pickles" Cooper while opening my bag of toothpicks

  • "mommy, I think Cooper might be grumpy because he didn't have a nap" Karina being perceptive

  • "Karina is MY mommy" Cooper (well she thinks she is)

  • Karina, "mom I want to be a mom when I grow up" Me, "well you can be anything like a doctor and a mom" Karina,"then why aren't u a doctor & mom?" hmmmmmmmm...

  • "what color is the baby" Cooper when I told him that Bela's new baby sister was coming to play too.

Things seem to be going so fast! ...Here is a video of their newest favorite..dancing to mommy's music....

About Me

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.