When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems
like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute -- then it's longer
than any hour. That's relativity!-
Albert Einstein
I guess that could translate into "Germany is a pretty girl" for us, because the last year has seemed like a minute! One year ago today, we hopped on a plane in Atlanta GA and the next morning landed in a snow covered Germany. We quickly settled into this new chapter of our a lives all the way across the ocean and have continued to experience Germany in a variety of ways.
And yes Albert, you are right, it is all relative.... there are good days and bad days living in a different country-but there are good days and bad days living in any country I suppose. I am sure some things would be the same whether we were living in Germany or were still living in Alabama...the children would be "testing their limits' everyday, I would be "setting the limits" everyday, and we would all miss Jason as he is gone so often earning a living to support our family. O.K., so I doubt I would be taking a German class, that just like the kids "tests my limits", nor would I misunderstand most of the daily conversations in Alabama (unless I was talking to one of my yankee relatives-HA-yes, that was just a joke because I understand them 50% of the time), and I doubt I would spend nine months of the year wearing a sweater. The hardest thing for me living across the ocean, is the fact that my family and friends aren't with us to share in our daily life; when teeth fall out, training wheels come off, birthdays are celebrated, emergency rooms are visited, a new trick is learned or a tear is shed.
As I was looking thru the pictures from the last year, it dawned on me that because we have often had to rely on each other as we made this change in our lives, we have become a very close and much stronger family in this new life we are living. Just as the seasons change, we are all changing, learning, and hopefully growing for the better.
Winter-taught me...
- how to use an ice scraper
- how to shovel snow
- how long it takes to dress kids when it is cold outside
- how long it takes to undress cold kids
- you can "play" outside when it is cold
- you can not run on ice

Spring taught me...
- flowers require less maintenance than snow
- the meaning of 'spring fever'...naked people may pop up when you least expect it
- there are some very loud birds that migrate to Germany when it warms up
- that I am a happier person when I'm not frozen

- that just because it is summer, doesn't mean it is hot
- just because the pools are open, does not mean the water is warm
- that one can actually can sit at an outdoor restaurant without sweating
- bugs will come in open windows
- not all parts of the world have air conditioning
- big red slugs "Schnecke " will bombard your yard and feel disgusting between your toes.
Fall taught me...
- that a year can fly past without me realizing
- you have to study very hard to learn another language
- that I still don't like school so much but I am not a quitter!
- that I can live in another country happily
- that some days will be very hard living in another country...but then again, some days are hard living in your own country
- numerous family and friends visiting throughout the year is the key