
Surviving a HEADFUL

Like these two, I have had a 'headful' lately between coordinating moving schedules, and too many fever viruses visiting our house.

However, I am so fortunate to have such an understanding (among many of his fab qualities) husband that sends me to London to spend a weekend  with my two outstanding friends (who also flew in from different corners of the world and have kind husbands) because he thought that would be just the thing the doctor would order to "clear my head".

The prescription wasn't writen per say, but the following works wonders. (even though less than 24 hours after my return home, Cooper is home from school with another flu virus and high fever)
How to clear one's head:

  • Spend time just sitting in the hotel with two great friends talking and laughing for hours.
  • Do a few quick tours of a major city that you have already visited... there is no stress to 'see it all'
  • Have champagne, eat £9 spoons of caviar and chocolate without thinking 1 second about weight watcher points. 
  • Find fabulous "hot n spicy' Indian and Thai food without having prior reservations...this alone will keep viruses away!!
  • Pack Tums
  • Ask every stranger in eyesight to take pictures of you and your friends so when you return home and your head starts getting full again, you will have something to refer back to in order to stay sane.
  • Stay off bikes after all of the above.
  • Be clear in the airport when you are giving tearful goodbyes...that there will be a "soon" if you put your (clear) head to it!






We have been just doing "normal"....that is normal German winter.  It snows...it stops...it snows...Kids catch a fever virus and are home from school...they get well...it snows and they catch another virus.  And in between all the snow and viruses, we squeeze in as many fun outings to the zoo, ice skating and rolling in the loved snow.  That is what makes it balance out to normal.

About Me

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.