
Blogger's Block

This is your latest post??
I am living in a fabulous new country, learning a new fabulous hard language, experiencing something new on a daily basis-but have "Blogger's Block".  Or at least that is what I call it.  Today in an email to one of my good friends ( who writes a very interesting blog about life as an Expat in Nigeria-check out her link on the sidebar) I mentioned I have a "love-hate" relationship with my blog.  I love writing it, but hate that it always calls my name when I am busy.  I love writing about all the great experiences we are having here in Germany, but hate the addiction.  After I concluded my email, I kept thinking of those strong words "love-hate". As I pondered over this, I thought of some other things "I hate" that call my name; laundry, my bathroom scales after 10 days of eating too many Wursts, cheese and bread with guests,  telemarketers-scratch-don't have them here, and...well...hmm...I guess that is about all in regards to the word hate.  However, I have now learned how much I say, "I love...(fill in the blank)  I began to notice how much  this little "phrase" rolls off my tongue as I am using  attempting to use German in my daily conversations.  The problem I am learning... the term "I love...." is saved for a true term of endearment and usually towards a person.  I am now quick to realize I have said "I love...blah,blah,blah" in a conversation by the comical look on my listener's face.  The most funny facial expression I received was at the fresh market.  After my ball of fresh goat cheese was scooped in the container, I turned to the lady next to me and excitedly said, "Ich liebe Käse " (I love Cheese)  I took one look at her face and knew I better run home and study some more.   I am trying to be a good student, but saying "I like very much cheese" just doesn't seem to sound right to my ears.  I will keep trying and I will post some pictures from our families visit this past week...which I LOVED!

Cristy LOVED the Zip line...

WE LOVE German playgrounds...
WE LOVE all the Gardens & Palaces

I LOVE this German toy....

I LOVE that Cooper showed me how to chase Pigeons

I LOVE my family....

We LOVE playing 'Ring-around...the bush'

I LOVE the view...

We LOVE the Ice Cream.....


  1. I totally understand about the love/ hate relationship with the blog...I feel the same way...but didn't realize it until you put it into words. It has become my journal and when great things are happening around me....or some not so great things, I just want to pull out my computer right then and just start typing,....but then, there are those pesky yet adorable little ones, my children or sleep who need me...and I have to put the blog on hold...and hope I can remember what i wanted to write.:)
    p.s. The pics of you and the kids are ADORABLE!!!!:) Can't wait to visit!:)

  2. p.p.s. I LOVE the new family picture!!! Very cute!:)

  3. This made me laugh. I love saying I "love" something too. My German fiance says it's a very American thing to do (even though I'm Canadian). At least we're providing the Germans with some comedic entertainment.


About Me

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.