
Seeking my German Brain

I will be so happy when my German brain catches a flight over here to join me.  I am not sure if it just didn’t want to be a part of our very bad week of jet lag upon our return to Germany or if it was just enjoying some of the luxuries of the American lifestyle that I guess I have always taken for granted. 

I beg you, my German brain, please return for you know…

  • Better than to buy a ton of groceries at one time and then suffer the walk home.
  • Not to scrape food off plates into the sink since there is no such thing as a disposal.
  • How to speak to neighbors in German without sounding silly-it is hard after four weeks of English only.
  • It is better to do a little laundry everyday because it will not all fit in the washer or clothesline in one day.
  • Not to expect air conditioning-anywhere- even though the temperatures are soaring. (you could have warned me on this one)
  • Not to take it personally when someone doesn’t return my “hello” but rather looks at me like I’m crazy.
  • To remember to answer the telephone, “hello, here is Hoff”.
  • To sweep our portion of the sidewalk every morning.
  • Not to plan to cook more than one item in the oven for dinner.
  • Most importantly, do not put the jeans/sweaters away because the weather can change dramatically in one hour flat.
Yep, my German brain is a pro for this very different lifestyle I live in Germany and makes me forget that it can be a little more challenging at times than what I was used to in America.  But my American brain is pretty helpful too, it gave me a great piece of advice this week; When it gets too hot, just head to the pool!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad y'all made it back safe and sound!:) Those transatlantic flights with kids are never easy:( I'm sure you'll have your "German brain" back before you know it. You're awesome!! love,m:)


About Me

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.