
True Friends.... (Guest Writer: the Husband)

As most of you know, Kirstin has been laid up now for over two weeks with an extreme eye virus. She has been more or less contained to the dark bedroom in a lot of pain and not able to read, write, or do any of the usual things that we take for granted. Needless to say that I don't wish this on anyone and we're both counting the days until she is better. According to the doctors (we've been to 4 different ones including supposedly one of the best eye doctors in Germany), the virus takes at least 2 weeks to run it's course. Problem for Kirstin is that the virus started in her left eye and after two weeks it moved to the right eye. The left eye has started to get somewhat better so we're hoping the right one will start to show some promise in the next week.

As Kirstin has battled through her virus we have experienced another first as expats here in Germany. In the US we had a great support network of family and friends that was always available at moments notice in times of emergency. Over here we have had to come to rely on a new network of friends. Without them I'm not sure how we would have made it through the past couple of weeks and I want to take the opportunity to thank all of them.

Keep your fingers crossed and hopefully the real blog author will be back in full force next week...


  1. Hallo Jason, auf diesem Weg wuensche ich Kirstin baldige und vollstaendige Genesung. Es tut mir so leid fuer sie. Ich habe ihren blog immer mit viel Vergnuegen gelesen, weil mich vieles daran erinnert hat, wie unsere Familie die ersten Jahre in alabama erlebt hat. Richte bitte Kerstin liebe Gruesse von unserer ganzen Familie aus. Ich fliege am 19.3. nach Stuttgart. Vielleicht koennen wir uns ja mal wieder sehen. Ich melde mich dann.
    Beste Gruesse aus Alabama

  2. Kirstin and Jason, we are thinking of you and you are all in our thoughts and prayers!! I am so glad you have such a wonderful network of friends in Stuttgart to help you! We're thinking of you and hope that this virus is gone soon!!! Love you all!!m:)

  3. I'm thinking and praying for you, my friend. I wish I were there to help. xOXo

  4. So sorry to hear you've got such an awful virus! Hope you're healed up quickly and can get on with life! And thank goodness for your new friends :)


About Me

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.