
Hot vs Hot

It was hot enough to help Cooper's sunflower seeds grow
 I haven't been able to write this week because JET LAG won.  I have finally realized that no matter how much I use my "mind over matter" philosophy,  it takes this family about a week and a bag of coffee to overcome jet lag. 

We arrived (almost a week ago) back in 'hot' Germany.  I was still wearing my warmer spring clothes when we left and now find myself walking around in a bathing suit not caring about any jiggle.  I have learned that there is 'Hot' as in Alabama (which includes air conditioning to give one some relief) and there is 'Hot' as in Germany (which leaves one to find their own means of cooling off since it does not typically include cool air being generated by an electric motor and some Freon).  

Kids "hot relief"

I have also learned this week, that once we have our "hot relief" techniques mastered, the cool air comes knocking on our door. Yes, I welcomed it with open arms open windows and doors (as I put on my long pants).  Now that the jet lag has disappeared and the cool air returned, I feel like I am back at home in the Germany I know. 
Jason's "hot relief"

Rocky's "hot relief"

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About Me

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.