
Trip to DC

Some trips aren't always about touring.  There are so many thoughts that have gone thru the kids and my head this past week during our visit to my niece and her family's house in the good ole US and touring didn't always seem to be the first thought.  

For the kids those thoughts seem to be centered around wanting to tour Target rather than the Washington Monument.  Or thoughts of cramming as many "real"(as they call it) tortilla chips, waffles, bagels, and pop tarts in their little mouths. Yes- I am letting them cram as much junk in as they want similar to a squirrel stocking up for winter. 

For me, this trip back has felt emotional- I miss the ease of living here but more so I miss the ease of living close to my family. (after a week of us- they are probably ready for us took ease on back to Germany) I  have also crammed all kinds of junk in my mouth- I forgot how good taco bell, chili fries and nachos tastes but I have also tried to cram every minute with my family that was possible! (I learned with my dad, Loretta and my brother, Mike one day is a tease) 

Hello DC Emergency Room-Free tour
We did tour some of Washington's sites- The National Mall, Chinatown, National Air and Space Museum and of course we are the Hoffs, so we had to tour at least one Emergency Room. This time the tour was thanks to my eyeball.  All the night tours were special just spending family time together (and especially the night that Matthew, my niece's husband, spent quality time with all 4 kids while Cristy took me to "tour" a Eddie Money benefit concert. 

As always, it is hard to say goodbye....so "Until Next Time" we tour together....
Eddie Money-Blast from Past tour

Real Tour

Food tour
Natl' Air and Space Museum

Natl' Air and Space Museum

Natl' Air and Space Museum

Natl' Air and Space Museum

We will miss you tour

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.