
A taste of Spring in Germany.....

While some of our family and friends in the U.S. are supposed to get snow tonight (or so they imagine since the stores are out of Bread and Milk)....We had a nice taste of what Spring will be like here in Germany.  I never thought I would say , "wow, today was so warm.....at a whopping"43 degrees Farenheit".

The past two days have given us a taste of how divine spring is going to be here in Germany.  People were outside everywhere this weekend.  Everyone seemed to have a different 'Spring in their step' or maybe this was because they weren't sliding on ice.  I noticed people filling all of the chairs at the outdoor cafes, hiking in the woods, running, sitting on their terraces, shaking out their rugs (you read that one right....rug shaking and beating are big here).  I couldn't help but to get a little Spring fever.  Even Cooper must have felt it because he leaned over to me when we were outside playing and asked, "Momma, is Winter over now?" We played outside with our neighbors, met more neighbors, and even took the train downtown after dinner for ice cream!  I can only imagine how lively Spring will be when it comes and now understand why all of our family and friends have made plans to visit when it is warm. However, I will continue to enjoy all the pleasures this cold and snowy winter have brought to our family.  I mean who doesn't like sledding and building a nice fire when you get home!
Ice Cream on the Konigstrasse after dinner

Finally figured out what this sign meant after almost getting run over by a biker!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I am looking forward to visiting you when it is warmer in April.:) Love the kids eating ice cream in their coats.:) Take care!! love,m:)


About Me

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Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
We are living as non-military expats for a second time in Stuttgart Germany. The first time, we moved from Alabama to Stuttgart, Germany in December 2010 for three years and now are back after six years.. This is a great adventure for our whole family that we enjoy sharing.